The acclaimed off-road racing franchise returns in this third series entry. DiRT 3 delivers mud, sweat and gears the world over: from the intense weather-beaten rally stages of Europe, Africa and the US, to executing performance driving showcases and career challenges where car control is pushed to spectacular limits. The game boasts more cars, more locations, more routes and more events than any other game in the series, including over 50 rally cars representing the very best from five decades of the sport.
Genre: Racing
Publisher: Codemasters
Developer: Codemasters
Release Date: TBA
Also on: PS3, X360
RP-T+ for Rating Pending, Targeting a Rating of Teen or Above
System Requirements
Intel Processor - Core i3-530 2.9GHz
AMD Processor - Phenom II X4 905e
Nvidia Graphics Card - GeForce 8800 GTS 512MB
ATI Graphics Card - Radeon HD 4770 512MB
RAM (Memory) - 3 GB
Hard Disk Space - 10 GB
Direct X - 9
Dirt 3 Game Trailer
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