I'm gonna show you some Bugs in Fly for fun(mostly eFlyff ,but some are from dFlyff too)
1. The DarkIllusion Bug:
I guess everyone already knows this Bug , but there is no incomplete list from Tom94.
Value: Follow a invisible player
Performance: ALT + leftclick on a player , then click "Follow".Wait until the other player uses DarkIllusion and tada:
You're following although he is invisible(good against YJ , Bj and Acrobats)
2. The Transbug:
Part 1: Walk through places.
Go in the MAS Dungeon to the last door and use a Babytrans to walk through it.
Go to the DuelArena and use a Babytrans to go into the stairs(hard to catch the right spot).Good for Mages and Acrobats.
Part 2:Hairbug.(ONLY IN dFLYFF(German Flyff))
Use a Trans(the bigger , the better) and go to the HairChanger.
Change ure hair to any desired hair and watch what happens:Your hair levitates next to you.
Also the other players can see this!
3. The circle running bug:
Run around in circle , forwards or backwards , it doesn't matter.Open ure Motion window(Shortcut: o) and click on any desired motion. You will archieve it faster in Version 9.Otherwise normal. You kann open a shop while moving.
4. Matrix bug:
Attack a monster or a player(I personally recommend a player , because the bug stopps if attacked). Now hold down A or D while you're attacking and click on the ground with the left mousebutton. You are now freezed in ure motion and spine in the her(? I don't understand it either).(Nice with sword/axe)
5. Board 3k km/h bug:
Duel with a Mage and let him combo you with Strongwind.
Go on your board and the skill will hit you away(ure board indicates 3.xxx km/h). And now the other skills come to you and let you fly a little bit, have fun.
7. Duel advantages:
Part 1: Precast
Use an AoE skill with you in the center while the duelcountdown is counting.You will hit the enemy before the duel beginns!
Part 2: Hitting during DarkIllusion
Use the DarkIllusion Follow bug(N#1) and cast an AoE skill during a duel which has you as the center.You will hit the invisible enemy.
8. Fly bugs:
Part 1: Fly in No-Fly zones.
Fill up ure inventory and wear at least 1 thing.Then use the board and undress ureself so that ure inventory is full.No you can fly in No-Fly zones , because you can't get rid of the board^.^.
Part 2: Flying in jail(ONLY dFlyff)
This is not worth telling cause there is no Karma since v9/ there is no jail.
9. Guillotine bug:
Get a Mercenary , which can cast guillotine and duel him.
Now look for a raising and go there.Let him use guillotine until he can't use it anymore(could take a while xD(just let him use it a lot)) and you slowly realize that your computer is getting slower because all guillotines are underneath you.If you go down you will die(cause there are like xxx guillotines waiting for you), so go on your board and fly so high so you can't see them anymore(neither should they be able to see ure name cause you could be reported and get a timeban :/ ). Now fly over overfilled areas. Now look in ure chat window and you should see many shouts with"LAGGS" or sumthing like that.
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